I love pictures of the earth from space. Its amazing to see our planet from that perspective; It helps remind you of how little you are and how tremendous God is. My favorite shots are of the different hemispheres at night when you can see the lights of cities and towns shining bright. Its awe-inspiring to think that every light represents a person living and breathing at that moment on our planet. UTWWK has seen God move in some incredible ways. With the House of Hope in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, we are able to effectively host and send out teams all year long to work with indigenous churches, pastors and other missions organizations. Its a great thing to be able to connect so many different people from all over the United States with Kingdom work on this small Caribbean island. For us the most encouraging thing is to see repeat teams working with the same people and making a long term investment in missions. Imagine working in the same place, with same community, the same Pastor, church, mission for 5, 10, or 15 years! Think about the growth you would see and have an integral part in. The kids you would watch grow and people you would become friends with. Your pictures would have names and stories behind the faces, and your communication would be personal and real. To us, thats mission work at its finest. We want to see what has happened in Haiti extend around the world. We want to work with churches and believers who desire long term impact, who are ready to buy in to intentional, strategic, and relational partnerships. We want to see them connect and commit to a mission work for the long haul. To continue to go back and watch a community grow as the Gospel takes root in the lives of the people. We want to see mission work at its finest and we are working to make it happen. Every light you see on those night-time pictures of our planet represents an opportunity. An opportunity to build a relationship and get on mission for the Kingdom of God. Its an opportunity to commit to an intentional partnership with a church, pastor, or missionary and work together to share the hope of Jesus with an entire community. Are you up for the challenge? Is your church ready to be intentional and take the next step in mission work? Let us help you connect, find your niche, and make a deep and lasting impact for the Gospel.